Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Recap

Rehearsal the last two nights has been, for various reason, quite sporadic.

People's schedules required changed of times, which in turn conflicted with other people's schedules. As a result, on Saturday we really only worked on a few problems spots.

We also worked on the song for the play. There is only one that is sun throughout, and woven into the fabric of the play. "The Christmas Child" it is called. I had never heard of it, and to be frank about it, I am not too impressed with it. It sounds like a song someone threw together in a hurry. At least the lyrics do.

That often seems the case when a single Christmas song is produced, mainly, for the benefit of a single production.

Nothing to worry about though. After a few days of hearing it by ear, I will be able to sing it, since reading music is not something I do.

As for today, it was a bit chaotic. The theatre had someone come in to do head shots of all the actors. (While I am the official photographer of the company, head shots are a whole other thing, and as of now, do not really have the equipment to do them. I think in the future I shall.

Then, to the total surprise of everyone assembled, including the director, the local paper showed up to take pictures.

This meant, of course that most of us had no costumes to wear for pictures, and the paper prefers to only shoot people in costume.

If it sounds like they didn't exactly get together on this one to help us out, you would be correct.

But we threw together some stop gap costumes for a few shots that hopefully will appear in print. We will know in a few weeks.

This took an hour and a half or so. After that, we really only ran portions of two scenes, since there was still someone missing.

Plus the heat was broken, and the bathrooms were locked.

Not one of the most comfortable rehearsals for a show I have been through. I always try to make the best out of any conditions, since I am dedicated to being an actor of merit. But nights like tonight really push my boundary, I have to admit.

It will all be much better when we finally take over our own space. (Which, if all things go well, is supposed to be a week before opening night...)

I am off book except for a few lines that still fight me here and there. My task it to iron them out, and then to come up with some more nuance for the characters I play.

Rehearsal again on Tuesday.

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