Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Month to Come

Loyal Blog readers...

Next month marks the one year anniversary of Always Off Book! In celebration of this milestone, I will be doing things a little differently throughout October.

Throughout the month I will be posting stories, anecdotes, reminiscences, and the like pertaining to the my previous theatrical experiences. Many of them I have never mentioned or references here before.

Hopefully It will give all of you, my loyal blog readers, a chance to understand some of the more personal memories that I have of my brief theatrical career thus far. On the other side of the coin, I will be having a lot of fun culling through the scrapbooks of my mind, for things that will entertain, inform, and quite possibly in a few cases, inspire you, my great readers.

Bear with me, as many of the remembrances that I will be posting will require more space than the usual one page reflections and thoughts I put up here. So though the writing will be a bit longer as I celebrate October, I promise to work hard to make what I share with you all the more worth the time you so generous dedicate to this blog of mine.

So please, check back often this October, as I share with you some friendly ghosts of Theatre past. And just maybe, if the mood strikes me, a few visits from the Ghost of Theatre Yet to Come...

It's all happening right here, on Always Off Book.

1 comment:

Suzan Abrams, email: said...

Ty, if that includes me too as a loyal blog reader, then wonderful!
