Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Un Ensayo de Líneas, Más el Tacos.

According to BabelFish, that title means, "A Rehearsal of Lines, Plus Tacos." I have no idea how accurate the translation is, but nonetheless that is where I was tonight for a few hours.

The director of Heaven Can Wait hosted about half of the cast at her place, to enjoy tacos, and afterward to run through the lines of the play. Just to keep them fresh in our minds between weekends. Though it was informal, (and at times flat out wild) I am glad we went over the lines. But more importantly I am glad we all had fun doing so. As a result, I feel quite relaxed leading into the second weekend, Which is always good.

I'm not saying that no nerves will return on Thursday, as I am sure they probably will. But being able to semi-socialize outside of the formality of a regular rehearsal always helps. It helped after opening night. It helped tonight.

And there is talk of doing karaoke after the show on Thursday. So we may end up being the most relaxed cast in history by the time all of this is over.

In earnest, I enjoy second weekends more than first weekends 99.9% of the time. First weekends come right on the ass end of a whole week's worth of technical rehearsal. It can be draining. Plus the nerves of doing it right the very first time. But by the time the second, (and in some cases the third) weekend rolls around, everyone has had some time off to become a bit more relaxed, and some of the bumps are ironed out. It just often seems to be more fun, with more energy in seconds weekends.

I think people are also extra keen on getting it right on final weekends because the clock is running down on the entire production, and they want to make sure they hit it square on at least once. (I still cannot believe how fast this production has gone. In mere days, it will be history.)

But that is for the future. Right now, I am happy to have some time off, but also happy to be headed into that usually superior second weekend. Plus, we get an extra show on Thursday. Most of the theatres I visit regularly only do that for musicals, but I like doing at least seven shows.

So, here's to second weekend success.

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